Odds and Ends 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club https://40htw.com/join/ Are you driving yourself crazy and working way more than 40 hours per week as a teacher? Listen up to these tips from experienced teachers.
1. Eliminate unintentional breaks. 2. Figure out The Main Thing and do it first. 3. Work ahead by batching and avoid multi-tasking. (Wow, Batch processing tasks! This sounds exactly like what I recommend in my Effective Email with Inbox Zero method!) 4. Look for innovative ways to relax any standards that create unnecessary work. 5. Use scheduling to create boundaries around your time.
I think these 5 tips can really help improve your work/life balance, but if you want more, you can join Angela’s 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club. It’s $119 for a lifetime membership.
Do you or your students work better with some soothing background noise? Noisli can make it sound like you’re in a coffee shop, on a train, at the beach, and more. There’s also a Google Chrome Extension.