On June 4th, we will allow users to opt in to the new Gmail experience. Just click the gear icon and choose “Try the new Westfield Washington Schools’ Google Docs Mail” as seen below. Currently, you can switch back to classic Gmail if you want to.
At some point, Google will migrate all users to the new Gmail experience and you will no longer be able to switch back to “classic” Gmail. We will update you when we have more details about this deadline. Here are a few resources that will help you with this transition.
- There’s only one feature that I know of that has been removed. The contacts button is no longer in the top left drop-down menu. You now need to click the waffle to access your contacts. Here’s my one minute video about that.
- This 2-page PDF has a quick overview of the top 6 things to know about the new Gmail.
- YouTube Video: The New Gmail Look! Quick Walkthrough from Teacher’s Tech
- YouTube Video: A NEW look for Gmail and you will love it! from Flipped Classroom Tutorials