February 14, 2018

Tech Tuesday for May 2, 2017

Odds and Ends
What is a podcast?
In the last newsletter, I talked about a story called “Carlos Doesn’t Remember” from the podcast Revisionist History. So what is a podcast and why should you care?
Podcast: a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, which is typically available as a series and can be automatically delivered to subscribers.*

So why should you listen to podcasts?
You can listen to podcast while driving, mowing the lawn, washing dishes, or just anytime you want. It takes boring tasks and makes them entertaining and educational. You can listen to podcasts to learn and grow on any topic. Your students can listen to podcasts to learn academic content. Your students can produce a podcast to demonstrate their own learning and mastery knowledge. For an in-depth look at podcasts in the classroom, check out this Atlantic article The Value of Using Podcasts in Class. The subtitle of the article is “Ironically, [podcasts] can encourage students to read more.” Who doesn’t want that?
App Pick of the Week
So how can you listen to a podcast?
Just a like a radio program is delivered to you via specific technology like AM or FM, a podcast is delivered via an internet technology called RSS. Just like radios come in many different shapes, sizes, and brands, there are many different apps that you can use to listen to podcasts.  Here are some great options.
Free Apps:
Apple: Podcasts
Apple: Tune In Radio App

Android: Google Play Music
Android: Tune In Radio App
Paid Apps: I use the Pocket Casts app and it's worth it's weight in gold or even diamonds.**

Pocket Casts for iPhone $3.99
Pocket Casts for Android $3.99
Need help? Just click this link and I’ll reach out to you so you can get on board with podcasting.
Google Tip of the Week
Google Teacher Tribe Podcast
This a brand new podcast and it’s all about teachers using Google in their classrooms. Short and sweet, this podcast provides you with useful tips and tricks about all things Google. Search for it in one of the apps mentioned above or subscribe to it now!
Teachers Using Technology
Teacher of the Week: The Podcasting Teacher
Yep, we haven’t met yet, but I am sure there is someone using podcasting at Westfield. Do you or someone you know use podcasting in the classroom? I’d LOVE to hear about it!  Share what you are doing with me in this form.
*Definition adapted from the Oxford dictionary.
**In the last 1 year and 8 months, I have spent 33 days listening to podcasts on Pocket Casts.
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