January 18, 2018

Tech Tuesday Newsletter for February 21, 2017

Westfield Washington Schools
Tech Tuesday Newsletter

February 21, 2017

App Pick of the Week

Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform used by millions of people around the world every day to discover, create, play and share learning games.

Teachers create a Kahoot quiz on getkahoot.com and students go to kahoot.it on any device to play. There are also many exciting Kahoots published by other teachers that you can use and edit for your own class. See also the Kahoot Getting Started Guide.
Google Tip of the Week
Google Drawings
Google Drawings is a blank canvas where you can insert and edit images, shapes, and text to make amazing things! The possibilities are endless. To access Google Drawings go to drawings.google.com or in Google Drive, click New -> More -> Google Drawings
Click here to take the Google Drawings Workshop and learn the basics.


What I’ve been training on


Chromebooks are easy to use computers that focus on using the Google Chrome web browser to access Google resources and the Internet. Here is the Chromebook training that I have been using with teachers.

Teachers Using Technology

In each newsletter, I will highlight a great use of technology by a Westfield teacher. What will you do to get on the list? 

Teacher of the Week: Chris Otsu, CRES 4th grade

Tool: Showbie app as an all inclusive tool to create a paperless classroom

Technology Items:
  1. iPads
  2. Showbie app
  3. Projector
  4. Apple TV
  5. iMovie
  6. Keynote
  7. Google Drive

Chris uses Showbie on iPads to create an (almost) completely paperless classroom. With this app, students are able to complete assignments by directly writing on a digital copy of the assignment, working on a digital dry erase board, uploading pictures, completing assignments with voice notes or videos, or inserting comment boxes in various places on the assignment. The students can also create iMovies, Keynotes, or type papers in Google Drive then upload them directly into the Showbie app. The student’s work is automatically sent to Chris and he can grade and comment using the same features that the students have access to, like voice, video, and drawing. The students can use the Showbie app on a personal device to complete work at home. It is a great tool to create a room that uses less paper and incorporates technology into the day. Showbie offers both free and paid versions of this app. Most of the features are available for free, but the choices of colors and size of the videos that you can upload, etc. are more limited.

Showbie isn’t for everyone, but I hope it gets you thinking about how you can use digital tools in your classroom. Many of these same concepts apply to Canvas, Moodle, or just Google Drive.

Connect with Chris: Twitter: @otsu2016    otsuc@wws.k12.in.us   x6258


Odds and Ends

Here is a great article that helps us think about learning, motivation, achievement, and grading.

Applying Nudge Theory to the Classroom Part I by Chris Aviles from the Teched Up Teacher blog.

Access the archive of past newsletters in this shared Google Drive Folder.
WWS Tech Tuesday Newsletter Archive